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Get to the heart of the matter with guidance from successful self-starters and out-of-the-box RedZed case studies.

Growth Article // 4 min

Glad You Asked: Is social media marketing right for me?

The XYZed has scoured the internet for the most popular questions asked by self-starters - and now we’re answering them. We spoke with social media expert Chrissie Malloch, a strategist at Australian creative agency The Royals (who are also RedZed’s creative agency), about how social media marketing can work for you.
August 13, 2018
Growth Article // 3 min

Glad You Asked: How do I find a new workspace that suits?

The XYZed has scoured the internet for the most popular questions asked by self-starters - and  now we’re answering them. Sheree Rubinstein, founder and chief executive of coworking space One Roof, tackles the issue of what to do when your small business has outgrown its workspace.
August 9, 2018