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Growth Article // 6 min

Great Expectations: How the landscape can change as you grow

So, you’ve put in the hard yards. And not without effort your business is starting to grow. But what do you do now? There are plenty of guides out there to get you thinking about your own self-starter journey, but it’s important to have an idea of what to expect along the way.
July 13, 2018
Growth Article // 5min

Jess Hatzis: “Your brand is an investment not an expense”

Having started Frank Body with zero dollars, Jess Hatzis and her fellow founders were doing it all. They made the signature coffee body scrub by hand in a warehouse after they knocked off from their 9-to-5s, built an ‘average website’ and shipped their products via Australia Post.
June 27, 2018
Growth Article // 20 mins

The Truth About Growth

RedZed, in collaboration with PureProfile, commissioned a report asking 500 self-employed Australians from various industries to tell us the truth about growth.
May 22, 2018