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The Rebound: how Felicity George thrives as a self-employed consultant

April 19, 2022


Rebound cover

The Rebound: how Felicity George thrives as a self-employed consultant

April 19, 2022


RedZed customer Felicity George recently spoke with the team from Channel 9’s The Rebound about leaving corporate life to start her own consultancy. Here, she explains why she did it and how she stays motivated to achieve success.

Beginning her career in corporate internal communications and working her way up over 20 years, Felicity George had all the skills needed to open her dream consultancy focused on business transformation.  

Having worked her way up the corporate ladder, Felicity took the leap into the self-employed world and started FDG Consulting in late 2019, specialising in change management, digital transformation and talent acquisition.  

Opening a business just before the pandemic started could have been challenging, but her offering was in demand because ways of working were changing quickly, and big businesses needed to manage that change effectively.  

Know your why 

According to Felicity, one of the biggest challenges in going solo is maintaining the belief in the business proposition. Felicity’s advice is to “Get out of your comfort zone, know your ‘why’, your values and purpose.” Once those pillars are robust, she says you’ll be clear on what you need to do to deliver.  

That’s not to say it’s always easy. To other people who want to start their own business she says, “You will have moments of fear. But just keep going, really ramp up that self-belief.”  

Getting a home loan when you’re self-employed  

Felicity points out that she knew it could be a challenge to get a home loan as a self-employed person, but she soon realised any concern associated with getting finance was misplaced, because RedZed gave her the assistance she needed.  

Learn more about how RedZed helps self-employed borrowers achieve their goals  


The above information is a brief summary only and does not take into account your personal needs and is not a substitute for independent professional advice. We strongly recommend that you speak to your accountant as they will be able to provide you the most suitable advice for your individual circumstance and to ensure that you are also always receiving the most up to date information.

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