We have developed this program as an exclusive offering that acknowledges the professional way you run your business. We understand that you source your business from a variety of avenues and that in many instances you also have additional steps due to the manner in which you source and pre-qualifying your applications. As such this program offers you greater flexibility in providing a product offering that works for you and your business partners. Below are the list of documents for you to access as required.
Wholesale Login
LVR’s Based on Location
Max LVR's are always dependent on individual circumstances and the nature of the security being offered. If you would like further clarification around an individual location please contact us.
Scenario Checklist Form
Complete the online Scenario Checklist Form
Forms & Documents
Here’s a range of frequently used forms and documents.
Application Forms
Supporting Documents
Need your identification documents certified?
Here’s a list of authorised persons that can certify identification documents.
- Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations;
- Member of Australian or State/Territory Police force;
- Legal practitioner
- Pharmacist
Please ensure that the witness certifies that the identification is a true and complete copy. The witness must also provide details of their qualification, contact address and contact phone number (we prefer a stamped version where possible for greater legibility).
Authority to access Applicant’s Bank Statements
If your Applicant would like the ease of providing their bank statements directly to the RedZed Credit team as part of the application process they can do so via the bankstatements.com.au service. The Applicant can authorise RedZed to have access to their bank statements by clicking here.
Note: These documents are in the PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader or similar PDF viewer to open and print these files.