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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Building better business

The good news? 77% of you are optimistic about your future success. But a big part of being resilient is planning and building a business that can stay strong in the face of unexpected challenges.

You may be going it alone when you start out, but you’re also sowing the seeds for a growing organisation made up of plenty of moving parts. And resilience sits at the core of any successful business culture.

In a business, resilience flows from the top down. Maintaining a positive attitude can influence the people you bring on board, and help instil a organisational mindset that’s able to confidently navigate difficulties.

Not sure where to start? Try creating a plan that helps you keep track of potential risks and adverse circumstances that could occur.

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Ask yourself

Do I have enough put away in the event of a quiet month?
Am I adequately insured?

Who takes over if I get sick?
What happens when I need a holiday?

Is a replacement available if something invaluable breaks down?
Can I keep working without the internet?
Can I keep working without my smartphone?

Can I move my workplace elsewhere if a fire or flood occurred?
Is my workplace secure and insured?

What risks does my industry face in the foreseeable future?
Could I continue if I lost a major supplier?

Do I understand who and where my competitors are?
Can I react quickly to new competition?

Resilience planning

Make sure you’re well-prepared for change, whatever form it takes. Planning for a resilient business means considering challenges and unexpected difficulties that could arrive. And it means knowing what can be done to return to “business-as-usual” status if something goes wrong. Spending time thinking about the questions we’ve listed above will help you start getting in the right headspace.

Try: Turning your answers into a resilience plan
Once you’ve identified the areas and ways in which things could go wrong for your business, make a formal plan for how you’ll stay on track if they do. Assign responsibilities and roles for everyone involved, and sketch out a step-by-step guide to how you’ll react to changing circumstances.

Any content on this website is general only and does not take into account your particular circumstances and needs. Before acting on any content you should assess or seek advice as to whether it is appropriate for you.