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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Let’s get physical

Even if “hard yakka” isn’t what you do day-to-day, it takes a lot of energy to be a successful self-starter. Keeping your mind in the right place isn’t the only piece of the resilience puzzle.

It can be easy to neglect diet and exercise when you’re building a business. But the truth is that your capacity to stay resilient to challenging circumstances is stronger when you’re physically healthy.

Luckily, being a self-starter means being in control of your own schedule, and that means you can make opportunities to ensure you stay physically capable of getting things done.

Maintaining physical health and eating well work wonders. So get enough sleep, prepare fresh meals and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

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Ask yourself

Am I eating properly?
Am I sleeping properly?
Do I feel physically fit and healthy?
Is my workplace set up correctly?
Do I have the right tools for the job?
Am I making time for my health?
Do I rely on anything to “keep going”?
Do I rely on anything to “switch off”?

Choose the right fuel

Being a self-starter means being busy. Really busy. So much so that simple things like eating right can quickly drop off the radar. Make sure a healthy intake is a priority. Many people we spoke to mentioned vices like coffee, energy drinks, chocolate and alcohol as comfortable coping methods to keep on going. Taking time out from your schedule to devise a healthy eating plan, visit your GP or schedule a session with a nutritionist means you’re prioritising your health.

Try: Visiting the website
There are a range of apps and devices out there than can help, but the Australian Government’s guide to healthy eating features information and calculators to make sure you’re in the know about what you eat.

Get your workspace in order

You need to set up your place of business in the right way. Ensure your environment encourages productivity. Get it right, and you’ll make yourself more resilient to the distractions than can come with working from home, on site, or in a shared space. You’ll also foster better work-life balance. Make sure your desk, workshop or workspace is set up safely and comfortably. And having your technology and tools ready to go. You’ll be primed to power through the hours.

Try: Visiting Safe Work Australia’s small business website
They’ve got guides, case studies, podcasts and seminars designed to teach self-starters about why health and safety is important, and how to make sure your workplace is set up correctly.

Take some steps in the right direction

Staying on the move can work wonders for your resilience. It doesn’t take a lot of muscle to move a mouse or have coffee with a client, but exercise needs to be an important part of any self-starter‘s routine – no matter what it is you do. There’s a reason why the world’s biggest businesses make employee fitness a priority, and there’s plenty of reasons you should take note. Even taking 10 minutes a few times a day for a walk around the block can help. Scheduling gym visits or sessions with a personal trainer in your calendar is even better.

Try: Going back to basics
There are a range of crafty devices that can track the number of steps you take in a day, how far you run, and how many calories you’re burning when you’re on the go. But if you’re starting from scratch, Health Direct is a government website that has some helpful tips.

Any content on this website is general only and does not take into account your particular circumstances and needs. Before acting on any content you should assess or seek advice as to whether it is appropriate for you.